Sunday, May 9, 2010

Prompt 4 - Professional Behavior *

Theorist Connection: Johnson

To be a teacher you must be able to deal with children who come from different types of homes, backgrounds, and etc,. My teacher does do a great job of doing that as well as being strict with them enough to get to the point. When I was younger, I went to the total opposite kind of school. A majority of the students were white and english speaking. We had a few african american, asian, and latino students. When I walked into the school I am tutoring, I felt a little uncomfortable because I wasn't thinking it would be like that. The girls wore the school outfitts and the boys wore what they wanted. The languages in the halls were mostly spanish with a few teachers yelling in english.
When I become a teacher, I don't know if I would be able to do it in these types of schools because I wouldn't be able to connect with my students in a way a teacher should. Although I can understand Spanish, being able to speak it is a different story. I feel like you should be able to communicate in the way your students feel comfortable. If they know Spanish well, then you should be able to teach them in Spanish, as well as if they know English well, teach them in English. The only advantage I would have in this classroom is that I do understand Spanish quite well. Other than that, that's all I have for an advantage. I have definitely thought throughout all of this that all schools are like my Elementary School when I was younger and that all schools speak English to teach.
I related Prompt 4 to Johnson because everyone says that they are not racist and they are not part of any problems. In a way a lot of people are racist. I never thought I had any part of that but then being in the situation of walking into the school and feeling uncomfortable at first made me think I may be a little racist. After a while of warming up to the kids I am a lot more comfortable and I would be able to work with these kids now because their English has improved a lot and they all want to work with me when I come in.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jenna,

    Your facility in Spanish would be a strong asset in this setting. Don't underestimate it!

    You began to make a strong connection between your experience in the school and Johnson's argument, but left it undeveloped. Two sentences, however, are not enough to introduce a theory and make a connection.

    Keep thinking on these things,
    Dr. August
